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What are the characteristics of TRM?

In comparison with the traditional business model of sale and buy, the advantages of TRM business mode are

as follows:

1- TRM can make turn-key project avallable, which will save the resources to the greatest extent.

2. TRM can form the scale effect and directly lower the general procurement management cost and improve the procurement management level.

3. TRM offers an effective solution to control the total cost of refractories and clear the responsibillty of the

refractories quality, which will benefit to accelerate technical advance of steel smelting process.

4. TRM can accelerate the close integration of refractory design and installation through the organizational integration of design and installation for the purpose of adding value to the project and creating value for the clients.

5. TRM helps the manufacturers to scale up and stabilize the market and build up a cooperative win-win

strategic partnership with the steel plants.

6. Quick service reflection can assure the regular manufacturing of customer.

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Name: Vera Li




Add:Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province