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  • EAF Tap Hole Filling Mass
EAF Tap Hole Filling Mass

EAF Tap Hole Filling Mass

EAF Tap Hole Filling Mass

The matt weight of the sampling opening is used in the chip outlet to prevent the molten steel from entering the tap hole before tapping. On the open surface of the filling mass, a sintered layer is obtained that is thick enough to prevent the penetration of the molten steel while being thin enough to break through under the pressure of the molten steel when the opening for opening opens and is filled with the mass under the flows of the sintered layer can leave freely .

The KS series for filling threaded holes provides easy installation, safe application, non-floating, high opening and non-contamination, etc.

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Name: Vera Li




Add:Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province