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  • Mono Block Purging Lance (Top-blowing Purging Lance, Purging Lance)
Mono Block Purging Lance (Top-blowing Purging Lance, Purging Lance)

Mono Block Purging Lance (Top-blowing Purging Lance, Purging Lance)

Mono Block Purging Lance (Top-blowing Purging Lance, Purging Lance)

The KS series of monolithic blowing lances is made of ultra-thin powder and additives based on the theory of a dense matrix. They feature high strength, excellent heat resistance and excellent erosion and corrosion resistance. They can be used not only for the top cleaning system, but also with a bottom cleaning system. This can improve the efficiency of melting and the quality of steel.

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Name: Vera Li




Add:Zhongyuan District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province